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Coyote Trail's Anne Couthard Maintains National Board Certification!

Coyote Trail's Anne Couthard Maintains National Board Certification!
Anne Couthard with NBCT, CTE and District administrators
Anne Couthard of Coyote Trail Elementary School holds NBCT flag

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) announced Anne Couthard of MUSD maintained National Board Certification.

Attainment of National Board Certification is one of the most prestigious and respected professional certifications available in K-12 education. The advanced teaching credential demonstrates a teacher’s ability to meet the profession’s highest standards and have the knowledge and skills necessary to advance student learning.

Data from the Arizona K12 Center demonstrates that students benefit tremendously when taught by a Nationally Board Certified Teacher (NBCT). Students taught by NBCT’s gained the equivalent of approximately one to two additional months of instruction, and they show evidence of deeper learning nearly three times more frequently than their peers. 

Board Certification develops, retains and recognizes accomplished teachers who help contribute to ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. Similar to certification in fields like medicine, National Board Certification is a rigorous, peer-reviewed process that ensures that Board-Certified teachers have proven skills to advance student achievement. As part of the process, teachers complete four components: 1) a computer-based exam assessing knowledge in a specific content area 2) a teaching portfolio 3) video footage of teaching plus a written analysis 4) reflection on how the teacher connects knowledge of students to teaching decisions. 

To date, more than 130,000 teachers across the United States have achieved Board certification. 

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