Health Office
As the Health Aide at Coyote Trail, I enjoy working with our students, staff and families. My husband and I have lived in Marana since 1999. I’m the proud mother of three beautiful children. My children all have attended schools in the Marana Unified School District.
Students who are ill or injured are my first priority when they come to my health office. Other duties as a Health Assistant include administering medications during the school day, making sure all student immunizations are current, and administering hearing and vision screenings.
Every student must have an up-to-date immunization on file from a documented source. To learn about student immunization requirements, and our Health Services Department, please visit the Health & Wellness section of our Website.
If you have any questions regarding the health and well-being of your child, please contact the Health Office at 520-579-5105 ext. 6667. I look forward to working with your children during the school year.